Perk Up Your Brain with Vitamin D


A new study shows higher levels may boost cognitive function

If you feel your mind has been a little sluggish lately, you might want to opt for seafood tonight: New research suggests that vitamin D, which is found in fish, may improve cognitive performance.

After comparing over 3,000 men between the ages of 40 and 79 across Europe, University of Manchester researchers discovered those who had higher levels of vitamin D fared better in a cognitive test that measured how quickly they could process information.

To get your dose, try to eat more salmon and mackerel. The vitamins found in fish can help prevent prostate cancer. Fish is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthier fats than those found in meat like beef and pork—and it's full of muscle-building protein. Just two to three servings a week can provide you with health benefits. Read more on what fish to eat and the perks of omega-3 fats.


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