Finding your way

There is nothing quite so freeing as the feeling of being exactly where you are meant to be ... and trusting that the path you're on is leading you where you are meant to go.
It takes a lot of faith in yourself, your instincts and the universe to trust that you are where you are meant to be - especially when things start to get rocky. And sometimes that trust doesn't come so easily. But it does come, if you allow it.
Part of that trust comes from learning to follow your heart - a skill often neglected in life - often in favor of reason and logic. But the way to your right path - in my experience - is lit not by reason and logic, but by your heart and your intuition.
So how do you start living more from your intuition and less from your thoughts? Well, much like the process of learning any other skill -- you practice.
You practice by paying attention to how things feel in your body and learning to read your body like an intuitive compass. When something excites you, notice what happens in your body. How does your body react physically to the things you love to do. Then do the same with the things that upset you, anger you, bore you, annoy you, so on and so forth.
The things that feel great in your body -- the things that inspire a sense of lightness, freedom, calm, relaxation, excitement, energy -- are "shackles off" ... meaning you have a sense of total freedom when you do these things.
The things that feel not so great in your body -- the things that evoke feelings of heaviness, sadness, depression, suffocation, being trapped, low energy -- these things are "shackles on" ... the complete opposite of freedom.
If all you did from this day forward was start noticing when things felt shackles on and when things felt shackles off and started to favor freedom over shackles, you would be moving in the right direction. More specifically... YOUR right direction.
And only you can know what that is. No one can decide that for you and no one else can lead you. Only the part of you that truly knows what you love in this world, what feels like freedom to you, can light your path and show you the way.


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